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300 Diverse Watercolor Backgrounds Bundle

300 Diverse Watercolor Backgrounds Bundle

This bundle features a stunning collection of handcrafted watercolor backgrounds that will instantly elevate any project.

Whether you’re a graphic designer, blogger, or business owner, these watercolor backgrounds are the perfect way to add a pop of color and creativity to your designs. From soft pastels to vibrant jewel tones, this bundle offers a wide range of colors and styles to suit any taste.

Why you’ll love it
Each background in this bundle is lovingly crafted ensuring that you receive only the highest quality products. And with unlimited usage rights included, you can use these backgrounds for all of your personal and commercial projects without any additional fees or royalties.

So why wait? Get your hands on our watercolor backgrounds bundle today and let your creativity flow!

What’s included
High resolution backgrounds (6000 px by 4000 px) in JPG format. They are 300 dpi and ready to print.

  • 30 Colorful Watercolor Backgrounds
  • 30 Contemporary Watercolor Backgrounds
  • 30 Black Watercolor Backgrounds
  • 30 White Watercolor Backgrounds
  • 30 Gradient Watercolor Backgrounds
  • 30 Gold Watercolor Backgrounds
  • 30 Pastel Watercolor Backgrounds
  • 30 Solid Color Watercolor Backgrounds
  • 30 Sky Gradient Watercolor Backgrounds
  • 30 Digital Watercolor Backgrounds

Únase a Pro para desbloquear este paquete y obtener:

  • Un paquete gratis cada semana
  • Millones de imágenes y vídeos
  • Descargas Ilimitadas
  • No se requiere atribución
  • Apoyo Prioritario
desde 9 US$/mes
39 US$
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