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Mountain range scene during sunset, climber taking a photo in the lower right side.

Become a Vecteezy
contributor today

Share your work, gain exposure, and earn money doing what you love.

Contributor benefits

High Visibility

Make your creative resources available worldwide for millions of visitors to discover.

Competitive Earnings

Earn money for every download your creative resources receive.

Creative Freedom

Create what you want, when you want. No deadlines or required assignments.
Young woman wearing glasses, sitting in front of a couch, drawing on tablet.

How it works


Show a few of your best resources for our team to review.


Quality over quantity. Streamlined uploading process.


Accepted resources earn money for every download.

Accepting photos, vectors and videos

Landscape photograph, featuring the Golden Gate bridge.


We're looking for engaging, authentic photography in every category and from around the world. Whatever you shoot, you’ll have a home with us.

Digital art of a cartoon woman riding a bicycle in front of a minimalist city and beach.


We're seeking beautiful illustrations and well-designed icon packs. Our audience loves vectors that will take their project from a blank canvas to a finished product.

Fake video thumbnail, featuring a fake play button over an overhead coastline scene.


We're accepting stunning, high resolution videos. From time lapses to travel and beyond, your video portfolio will be seen by millions.

Contributor testimonials

Matt Wilson
Vecteezy has given me the chance to be a part of a global design community, grow as an illustrator while also allowing for passive income.
Pien Duijverman
If I hadn't become a contributor for Vecteezy, I wouldn't have the opportunities I have now. The resources available through Vecteezy is so valuable.
Kirsty Pargeter
Sales are continuously growing for me and hopefully will continue to do so! I am excited about being part of the future of Vecteezy.


How do I get started?

Fill out this form to start an application. Then, follow the application link sent via email to upload your 10 best creative resources, agree to our contributor agreement, and submit your application.

Who is eligible to apply?

Everyone who has creative resources to share! Whether you are an enthusiast or professional, you are welcome to apply to become contributor.

What creative resources are you looking for?

We're looking for photos, videos and vector resources in a wide variety of styles! All resources must be high-quality, family-friendly, and meet our content guidelines.

We can not accept logo templates, 3D renderings, illustrations in jpg or jpeg format, or photos with digitally added text.

How do I earn money?

First you need to choose the right royalty program for your needs. Keep in mind, you earn money for every download on your creative resources regardless of the program type.

Our Pro program uses the Subscriber Share Model where earnings are calculated at a 50% revenue split. Learn more about the Subscriber Share Model. We're currently accepting Pro program applications for vector, video, and photo contributors.

In our Free program, we use the pay-per-download model, where you earn $5.00 per 1,000 downloads for vectors and photos, and $10.00 per 1,000 downloads for video. This program allows you to maximize your download volume. Learn more about the pay-per-download Free program. We're currently accepting Free program applications for vector, video and photo contributors.

Can I share my creative resources elsewhere?

Yes! Our contributor program is non-exclusive, so you can continue sharing your creative resources on other platforms.

What if I have more questions?
Night sky, ready to get started

Ready to join?

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